New Quantum Computing and Arts Podcast

Alexis hosts and produces a new podcast “My Quantum Computing Wrote a Podcast” and talks about quantum computing, AI and the entertainment business, with the occasional co-host of a quantum computer.

My Quantum Computer Wrote a Podcast #1 – “Schrodinger’s Brexit“ – Quantum Computing / AI / Entertainment

A podcast hosted by Dr Dr Alexis Kirke, about the interface between quantum computing, AI and the entertainment business. In this episode – “Schrodinger’s Brexit” – Alexis allows the IBM Q 14 Melbourne quantum computer to control his conversation topics live on air. The quantum computer creates a superposition and then instructs Alexis to speak on one of four topics “Brexit Pro”, “Brexit Anti”, “Quantum Hype”, or “Quantum Truth”. Alexis’ computer also tells him how long to speak for. ERRATA: (a) Saying that a quantum computer can only run 4 algorithms is an over-simplification. It is more true to say that all quantum applications are built from combinations of a pretty small number of basic techniques. (b) The abbreviation “RSI” is used twice, and of course it should be “RSA”.

My Quantum Computer Wrote a Podcast #2 – “Quantum Pornography” – Quantum Computing / AI / Entertainment

Alexis Kirke discusses the three levels of experiencing quantum computing: erotica, softcore and hardcore. All the while being interrupted by the IBM Q 14 Melbourne telling him to tell a joke.

Topics covered include: fake quantum spirituality; the true meaning of entanglement, superposition and Christmas; and the penetrating philosophical insight provided by the actual execution of quantum computer programmes.